Leadership Development
Even if you don’t have direct reports, you can still be a leader. As John C. Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence.” We are proud to offer a variety of options to meet your leadership development needs. Visit our Learning and Development Portal to see a complete listing of workshops for all Faculty and Staff, and sessions designed specifically for Supervisors and Managers. Our leadership certificate programs are described below.

ASPIRE is a no-cost certificate program for employees who want to set goals and put a plan into action for professional development through the intentional use of personal strategic planning. ASPIRE is a blended learning curriculum, meaning there are three components: independent online learning, reflection activities for personal strategic planning and group learning sessions (delivered virtually or in person). The group learning sessions are held on three consecutive Fridays from 8:30 am-12:00 pm with periodic breaks. The independent learning requires approximately 3 hours to complete. Course topics include professional development options, personal motivation and goal-setting, personal strategic planning and developing leadership behaviors in the workplace.
Center for Creative Leadership: Leadership Development Program®
The Human Resources Department provides three scholarships annually for qualified individuals to attend the highly regarded Leadership Development Program offered through the internationally respected Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, NC.
The Leadership Development Program (LDP)® is designed for Leaders of Managers
• Experienced managers who lead other managers and senior professionals.
• Operational, group or departmental managers.
• Leaders who work up, down and across the University.
By applying the lessons of LDP, leaders will be able to:
- Communicate direction, achieve alignment and build commitment to bridging the gap between senior management and the front line.
- Gain critical perspectives, create buy-in and manage politics through collaboration.
- Solve complicated problems and take wise action amidst complex, rapidly changing conditions.
- Build resiliency and leverage multiple life roles to effectively manage stress and become more effective.
- Demonstrate the competencies CCL research shows can turn management challenges into leadership opportunities:
• Self-awareness
• Learning agility
• Communication
• Influence
• The ability to think and act systemically
• Resilience
More about The Leadership Development Program® at CCL.

LEAD is required training for supervisors of employees at UNC Charlotte. Program participants are invited to attend based on eligibility. A public university is a unique environment. Being a front-line leader requires a thorough understanding of the university’s environment and protocols. LEAD is structured to introduce managers to subject matter experts from each stage of the employee life cycle. Participants enjoy this unique opportunity to network with other university leaders.
Professional Administrators Certification (PAC)

The Professional Administrators Certification (PAC) program is for employees who provide administrative support. The program provides participants with a strong understanding of UNC Charlotte’s policies and procedures to strengthen the depth and quality of administrative support staff. PAC also provides participants with the opportunity to complete the ASPIRE program, develop leadership behaviors and apply personal strategic planning. Participants will be supported throughout the process including opportunities for guidance from the program manager and collaboration with other participants. All participants grouped in a cohort will be encouraged to stay on track in order to complete the program within the two-year time frame.
The Leadership Experience
The Leadership Experience is UNC Charlotte’s CUPA-HR award-winning development program designed to enhance leadership competencies of mid-to senior-level managers.
For more information, please contact Learning and Organizational Development at hrtraining@charlotte.edu.
Note: This opportunity is currently unavailable until further notice
This semester-long course includes a variety of well-respected topics including Situational Leadership®️, Benchmarks 360 Degree Assessment®️ from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL); DiSC®️ personal assessment tool, critical thinking and problem-solving. Participants will gain an understanding of the differences between leadership and management, how to clarify expectations, influence people, make fact-based decisions and build relationships based on trust and mutual respect.
The program promotes on-the-job application in two ways:
- Attendees commit to the full semester schedule and participate in a team capstone project to benefit the University
- Attendees also work with their manager and direct reports throughout the program to apply enhanced leadership skills