General News

COVID boosters bring rewards — in protection and time off

Categories: General News

Receiving a COVID-19 vaccination and booster remain the best protection against severe illness from the virus, especially as cases continue to rise nationally and in the state. UNC Charlotte is encouraging employees to receive their booster with an additional eight hours of paid leave. Eligible employees who receive their first booster on or before Aug. […]

Nominations sought for 2020 Employees of the Year

Categories: General News

The Human Resources Department is accepting nominations for the 2020 Staff Employee of the Year awards. Any permanent employee of UNC Charlotte can submit a nomination, and employees are encouraged to recommend colleagues for this honor. Individuals can be nominated in any one of five categories: Devotion to Duty (Outstanding State Government Service) Innovation Human […]

IRS announces 2020 retirement contribution limits

Categories: General News

In addition to the 6% that all eligible employees contribute to their mandatory retirement plan, you are encouraged to consider participating in supplemental plans based on eligibility. Below are the plan options and limits. Supplemental Plan Options 401k and 457 plans (Prudential) 403b and 457 plans (Fidelity and TIAA) The IRS recently announced the contribution […]

University to implement Paid Parental Leave starting Jan. 1

Categories: General News

Under Executive Order 95, Providing Paid Parental Leave to Eligible State Employees, the Office of State Human Resources has established a pilot program to allow state agencies and universities to offer Paid Parental Leave (PPL) to promote physical and mental health for employee families, increase worker retention and improve worker productivity and morale. The UNC […]

Sample News

Categories: General News

Bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin swine shankle jowl kielbasa buffalo burgdoggen kevin shank doner bresaola. Bresaola pork chop pork loin, capicola tri-tip flank pork shank cow sausage kevin jowl turkey chicken. Salami shankle jowl, t-bone landjaeger tail pancetta cupim alcatra sirloin meatball hamburger kielbasa bacon. Cow porchetta kevin, shank ball tip alcatra sirloin pork loin […]